Is Sensory Processing (or Integration) Disorder (SPD) the same as Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS)?(感覚処理(統合)障害(SPD)と感覚処理感受性(SPS)は同じですか?)
How do I know for sure that I am highly sensitive or that my child is highly sensitive?(どうしたら正確に、自分がHSPか、あるいは自分の子供がHSCかを知ることができますか?)
I am trying to decide if I have an anxiety disorder or am I just highly sensitive(私の不安は病気から来るのでしょうか?それともHSP特有のものですか?)
How does sensitivity differ from Autistic spectrum disorders (Asperger’s Syndrome, etc.)?(HSPと自閉スペクトラム症(アスペルガー症候群)はどう違うのですか?)
What is the relationship between the HSP trait and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (also sometimes called ADD)?(HSPとADHD(ADD)=注意欠陥・多動性障害との間になにか関係はありますか?)
Are highly sensitive people more creative and intelligent than other people?(HSPは他の人たちより創造的で知性的か?)
How can I recognize an HSP?
When I look for scientific studies about highly sensitive people, and especially highly sensitive children, I hardly see any.
What is the evidence that this trait is genetic?
If this trait is genetic, does that mean I can’t do anything about it?
You talk about DOES as a good way to summarize all the aspects of high sensitivity: Depth of processing, overstimulation, emotional responsivity/empathy, and sensitive to subtleties. But what is the evidence that these actually exist?