The Highly Sensitive Person

For Interviews, Speakers


 ここで紹介しているのは、HSPのインターナショナル・コンサルタント(ICHS:HSP国際相談員)のリストです。HSPに関することで専門家にインタビューしたい、もしくは講演者として招きたいと考えている方のために提供しています(エレイン・アーロンは応じられないことが多いため)。なお、“HS(高敏感性・高感受性=HSP)の科学用語は感覚処理感受性(sensory processing sensitivity)といいます。感覚処理障害(Sensory Processing Disorder)とは関係がありませんので、ご注意ください。



注記:HS = highly sensitive and HSP = highly sensitive person.


Bianca P. Acevedo, PhD. (B.A. New York University; Ph.D., Stony Brook University), Spanish. Bianca is a Researcher at the Neuroscience Research Institute (NRI) within the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and Director of the Foundation for Healthy Relationships and Lives. She is a social neuroscientist specializing in human attachment processes for 15+ years. She conducts research on the science of love, empathy, highly sensitive people, and mind-body practices. She has worked on differentiating sensitivity from clinical issues such as Autism and Schizophrenia. Bianca also provides consulting to various organizations, including non-for profits, clinics, and other person-oriented practices. Fluent in Spanish and English. Extensive media experience, including NPR, NBC, and the Science Channel.

Barbara Allen. Advanced Certificate of Education (UK) in counselling supervision, theory and practice - Southampton University, 1999. Founder and Director, National Centre for High Sensitivity CIC (2010). Besides broad work with HSPs (adults, children, organizations), consults with clinicians on best ways to support HS clients; with employers on retaining and making best use of HS employees. Implications of trait for cultural diversity inclusion; school or career education, work environment provision. |

Lise August, Clinical psychologist. Danish, German, Italian. Counselling and psychotherapy for HSPs. Co-founder of “Sensitive Balance,” with a hundred volunteers in Denmark and a newsletter to 20,000 subscribers. They organize weekly seminars and courses for HSPs (parents, couples and professionals) on many topics, based on the latest research. Co-authored two books, published in Denmark and Norway, one on advantages of the trait and one on HSCs for professionals. |

Martin August, Clinical psychotherapist. Danish, Swedish. Counselling and therapy for individuals, children/teens and groups. Specializes in compassion-focused approaches to emotion regulation in HS adults and children. With Lise August, co-founder of “Sensitiv Balance” and co-author of books above. Leads weekly courses on topics such as: parenting HSC and HS teens, balancing HSP and HSS, HSP males, managing stress, anger, self-criticism, worries or trauma and embracing the gifts of sensitivity. |

Else Marie Bruhner. Adult Educator. Swedish, French. Gives courses and conferences on the HS trait in general and related research, explaining the trait’s functioning and how it affects our private and professional life. Special interest: HS and giftedness. Hypersensible… Et alors? (in Swedish, Hogkanslig … an sen da?)

Tracy Cooper, Ph.D. Assistant Professor - Leadership in Higher Education, Ed.D. program, Baker University. Thrive: The HS Person and Career (e.g., choosing a career, career crisis and transition, challenges and opportunities, the self-employment option). Thrill: The High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive Person (e.g., how the traits interact, career issues, creativity, Flow state, self-care). Empowering the Sensitive Male Soul (e.g., redefining masculinity as more inclusive, interacting with less sensitive men, parenting, violence and conflict). Co-Producer for Sensitive Men Rising - The Documentary , the first documentary film for Highly Sensitive Men, with Will Harper, director of Sensitive -The Untold Story (premiers June 18th, 2023). He does seminars for HSPs, HSS/HSPs, HS Men, and does interviews, podcasts, etc.

Candy Crawford, MSW, LCSW. Psychotherapist working exclusively with HSPs. Also leads workshops nationally. Especially works with HSPs on development of self, intimacy, relationships, parenting, and HS children and teens. Prior to her clinical practice she spent over a decade as a social worker championing the rights of diverse children and families.

Ilse Van den Daele, Founder (2004) and Managing Director of the ‘HSP Vlaanderen’ in Belgium and the Netherlands. Dutch, French & English. With a hundred volunteers in Belgium they organize lectures, workshops, HSP talk-cafes, and children’s holiday-camps throughout Flandres. Website includes a list of selected, HS specialized therapists, psychologists and certified coaches. Organizes scientific conferences on HS (2009, 2013, 2019). Van den Daele is also chief-editor of a magazine for HSPs, ‘De Cocon’, with 1,200 subscribers. Has written two books, one on HS children, Mijn kind is hoogsensitief’ (20,000 sold as of summer, 2018), which appears in French, spring 2019. Also Hoogsensitiviteit@work, about HSPs in work environments. Post-graduate training program ‘HSP for professionals’ at VUB. |

Annet van Duinen, Certified Professional Coach, PCC. English and Dutch. Coaching HSPs on topics such as Confidence, Boundaries, and Mental Fitness. How to create more resilience in your life. Individual coaching, group programs and speaking about the trait. Workshops for companies, such as Becoming Empowered as an HSP, the Confident HSP, and Mental Fitness for HSP’s.

Tom Falkenstein, MA. German. Tom is the author of The Highly Sensitive Man, which can be found in German, Swedish, and Dutch as well as English. He is an experienced cognitive behavioral psychotherapist who provides information, consultation, and psychotherapy for HSPs (age 18 and up) in both English and German within Germany. He does workshops and talks around Europe?information is on his website,, and on Instagram, tom.falkenstein. He also has a monthly blog on Psychology Today

Alane Freund, MS, MA, English. Alane is an International Consultant on High Sensitivity (ICHS) and family therapist who helps highly sensitive adults and youth focus on solutions through therapy, consultation, and speaking. Ms. Freund has developed and implemented programs for highly sensitive people, youth, families, and the clinicians who serve them. She holds Masters’ degrees in both clinical psychology and school counseling and is the parent of a highly sensitive young adult. Ms. Freund’s Talk at Google, Understanding the Highly Sensitive Person, is a widely recognized resource. In addition to her YouTube channel, Alane Freund LMFT, she hosts the twice monthly Are You Highly Sensitive LIVE membership workshops. Her innovative programs include HSPs & Horses? and the online Sensitivity Circle topics: Parenting Sensitivity, Sensitive Youth, Wise Women & Wonder, HSProfessionals, HSPs in Relationships, and HSMen. Alane offers team building, educational workshops, and retreats at Heart and Mind Equine in California and across the globe, She can be reached for consultation or speaking through her website,

Corina Greven, Ph. D. German, Dutch. Professor in Environmental Sensitivity, Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands. Ph. D. From King’s College, London. An experienced speaker at international conferences for scientists and healthcare professionals and author of over 60 scientific articles and several book chapters. She has received numerous awards and grants. Her emphasis has been on Sensory Processing Sensitivity along with general personality and child mental health (especially Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Jadzia Jagiellowicz, Ph.D. English & French. Psychology (Stony Brook University; supervisor Elaine Aron). Academic Researcher. HSP Coach. Completed her PhD on high sensitivity and has conducted research in the field since 2005. Studies of brain, attention and emotion, genetics of HSP, medical/biological aspects, interaction between sensitivity and parenting, and intellectual giftedness and HSP. Experienced international speaker located Quebec, Canada. (e.g. World Congress on Positive Psychology, Society for Neuroscience, the American Psychological Association). Extensive media experience (Oprah Magazine, Today’s Parent, the documentary Sensitive: The Untold Story, and The Globe and Mail: Canada’s National Newspaper).,

Lian Kirksather, Coach (certified, ICF, DNC), lecturer, and author specializing in HSPs. Norwegian. Heads the organization Hoysensitiv Norge; has authored numerous articles on HS; co-authored the book Sensitiv og Sterk , which is a best seller in Norway; and created the online course of the same name. She has also helped organize conferences about HSPs and work, based in part on her experience, collaboration with Norwegian Unemployment Agency (NAV Arbeid) and as a teacher and leader. /

Francesca Lionetti, Ph.D. Psychologist and psychotherapist. Italian. Experienced in academic research on SPS (sensory processing sensitivity, the academic term for HS). Works with Michael Pluess, Elaine Aron, and Arthur Aron on the identification and validation of measures for the assessment of sensitivity. Studies HS in children, in interaction with parenting, and in the school context. |

Elena Lupo, Ph.D. Neuro-Psychosomatic Consultant. Italian. Body Oriented approach (Biosistemica). HS men, women, children. Coping strategies. Psychosomatic issues. Parenting or teaching HS children. Il Tesoro dei bambini sensibili, 2017. Leads workshops about having boundaries using body oriented approach. Email for the Italian HSP project:

Alice E. Shannon, LMFT. Psychotherapist. Extensive experience in the nuances of HSP/HS children, plus all other aspects of temperament. Specializes in helping parents and school staff respond effectively to temperament-based behavior problems and concerns. Does distance temperament consults with parents globally. Worked in SF Bay Area Kaiser Hospitals and with Preventive Ounce, offering temperament-related services (significantly reducing medical costs for those seen). Trainings on temperament for agencies (e.g., Head Start). Articles widely published. Alice can be reach via email at:

Jacquelyn Strickland, licensed professional counselor (1993). Exclusively with HSPs (2002). Also background in social work, women’s studies and cultural diversity. Co-founded international HSP Gathering RetreatsTM with Elaine Aron (2001-35 Gatherings thus far). Speaking, consulting, mentoring, coaching, retreats, focused on the empowerment for the HSP. Certified administrator Myers Briggs. Extraverted HSPs. HSPs and Empowerment (book in progress).

Aki Takahashi MA, Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. Japanese. Counselling and psychotherapy for adolescents and adults in English and Japanese. Teaching psychology at universities and experienced in academic research on SPS (developed Japanese version of HSP scale). Resident in Nagoya, Japan.

Teresa Tillmann, M.Sc. German. Psychologist, researcher and cognitive behavioral psychotherapist for children and adolescents, in training. Working on PhD, topic is HS teachers and in a clinical context with a focus on specific characteristics of HSPs that promote wellbeing. Visiting researcher with Elaine and Arthur Aron, working on various research projects. Translated and validated a shortened German version of the HSP-scale for adolescents. Gives talks and workshops , scientific and non-scientific. Spokesperson for the scientific research for German HS association. Aims to make research findings more accessible through this webpage:

Karina Zegers de Beijl, Coach, member ICF. Spanish, Dutch. Pioneered HS in Spain (2006). Founder Asociacion Personas Altamente Sensibles de Espana, APASE (2012). Experienced speaker (interviews, conferences, etc.) about HS in general and in children. Ik ben hooggevoelig, en jij? La alta sensibilidad, vivir desde el corazon, La alta sensibilidad.


The Highly Sensitive Parent


Sensitive Lovers:恋人たちの関係をさらに深く探る”リリースのお知らせ

このドキュメンタリーは、 映画“Sensitive and in Love”に織り込まれた科学的根拠やアドバイスをみなさんに提供します。 詳しい情報はこちらから

Sensitive and in Love

私たちHSPにとっておそらく最も大切なもの―愛する人との関係に敏感さがどう影響するか―にフォーカスした長編映画。the Sensitive and In Loveの詳しい情報と購入はこちらから



Entire Web


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The Original Book






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Some of the design and wording of this website is used with the permission of Dr. Elaine N. Aron and nothing here should be reprinted without permission of the designer and translator, Kotofumi Kubo.